The European Commission's 2014 Communication on Resource Efficiency Opportunities in the Building Sector identified the need for a common EU framework of indicators for the assessment of the environmental performance of buildings. A study to develop this approach is being taken forward during 2015-2017 by DG ENV and DG GROW, with the technical support of DG JRC-IPTS.


JRC has published a working paper including the findings of the first stage in this study, which focusses on the identification of 'macro-objectives' for the environmental performance of the EU building stock. 

This stage is intended to provide an initial 'top down' view of what the strategic priorities (the 'macro-objectives') should be for the building sector. These macro-objectives will in turn inform and set the scope for the identification of a common framework of indicators in the next stage of this study. 


The following macro-objectives were identified:



  1. Greenhouse gas emissions from building life cycle energy use: Minimise the total GHG emissions along a buildings lifecycle, with a focus on building operational energy use emissions and embodied emissions.
  2. Resource efficient material life cycles: Optimise building design, engineering and form in order to support lean and circular flows, extend long-term material utility and reduce significant environmental impacts.
  3. Efficient use of water resources: Make efficient use of water resources, particularly in areas of identified long-term or projected water stress.


  1. 4. Healthy and comfortable spaces: Design, construction and renovation of buildings that protect human health by minimising the potential for occupier and worker exposure to health risks.
  2. Resilience to climate change: The futureproofing of building thermal performance to projected changes in the urban microclimate, in order to protect occupier health and comfort.
  3. Optimised life cycle cost and value: Optimisation of the life cycle cost and value of buildings, inclusive of acquisition, operation, maintenance and disposal.