Smart CE marking is the link between the physical product and the Declaration of Performance (DoP). It is the access to this extensive and valuable information provided in a harmonised digital format. The following questions and answers will help you to understand why is so important for the industry.

To facilitate the development of Smart CE marking formats you can use the excel template below. It follows the principles of the CWA, in particular the content of Annex B of the document. Experts working in CEN techincal committees should be able to develop these tables for the harmonised standards. Finally these tables and the XML formats developed with them can be published by CEN and used by the industry to deliver the DoP information through the Smart CE marking link.

Why is a harmonised digital format needed?

Manufacturers can already today provide the Declaration of Performance (DoP) information in a digital way, but at present DoPs are only available as PDF documents.

Other formats like XML are not used for lack of a common digital language. Consequently, the DoP information cannot be processed electronically, e.g. to be checked against the performances specified by the designer, to be included in digital planning tools such as BIM or to ease the burden of documentation. For the same reason, there are no supporting apps, that could help users and authorities to assess the declared information appropriately. DoPs are therefore considered to be a burden and of little use to users and contractors.

The Smart CE marking format will provide the common digital language, the condition for developing user oriented apps and other supporting tools.

What is the benefit of such apps and tools?

The CE marking and Declaration of Performance (DoP) are the mandatory way of expressing product performances. This valuable information is extensive and too complex to be of practical use for contractors and craftsmen, let alone end users. Therefore,especially these users call easier, more user-friendly markings and information.

Apps and tools can bridge the gap between the obligations of manufacturers to provide extensive, complex  information and the need of users. In addition, apps and other digital tools can significantly contribute to cutting administrative burden for all professionals as well as to the safe use of products.

And therefore, CE marking and DoP in practice is of little value to designers and users.

Why is Smart CE marking interesting for manufacturers?

Apart from being the link between the product and its unique set of information, the same Smart CE Marking can also connect manufacturers with the users of their products respectively their clients. Beyond offering the obligatory product information, the same link can be used to deliver targeted information to users, such as health & safety information, guidance (videos) on the use and installation of the product, etc.  But information can also flow back to the manufacturer, e.g. allowing him to trace products to their final place of use and thus facilitating compliance with the CPR.

The same benefits could be achieved using a proprietary digital format, but the financial burden to develop apps can be considerable and users would be forced to install multiple apps and tools. The harmonised Smart CE Marking digital format allows sharing the financial burden  and enables third parties to develop horizontal tools and apps for a whole range of products.

Smart CE Marking will help capitalise the implementation costs of the CPR, by turning burden into benefits.

What are the benefits for designers as well as professional and end users?

Designers and users will benefit from targeted apps and other digital tools. With the appropriate tools, designers will be empowered to specify products in accordance with European standards and users will have the certainty to be using the appropriate products that match the specifications. In a digital design and planning context such as BIM, Smart CE Marking is the final linking element which aligns the digital model, i.e. the construction work as it was foreseen, with the final construction work as it was executed.